The pile of laundry is usually never ending.
It sits in the laundry room, two or three feet high. High enough that my twins run and jump into it like a pile of leaves.
This is just the way it is in my household. There isn't fresh-baked cookies in the oven. I don't vacuum and scrub the toilet daily. I can't even make my bed in the morning like some of those all-star moms who blog.
Yes, I'm a terrible person. However, I just don't have time. Every morning is like a marathon just trying to get my 4-year-old girls dressed, breakfast, teeth brushed and hair combed. They like to mess around. Jordie also needs fed and changed.
Then we head to work. Then home. The process starts again with meals, homework, reading, baths.
We don't even watch television.
The laundry is the one thing I can put off and no one ever sees. Thankfully, I have a great mom who loves to fold clothes on occasion. My basement now looks like the cleaners - I just need to put everything away!
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